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1300 735 158

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Over the years, Sport Shirts Australia has developed a premium range of fabric and designs which are suitable for different purposes. We have assisted our clients in various industries to meet their requirements including everyday wear, event promotion, special requirements, etc.

-          Want a uniform for your group?
-          Want something that can make your group standout from the crowd?
-          Want to be recognized?
-          Want to implement your ideas?
As a manufacturer that has succeeded over the years, we LOVE the idea of CUSTOM MADE. We know that everyone wants to be special. This is not only for yourself but you also want your groups (company, school, club, etc) to be special too.
At SSA, we NOT ONLY fulfill your requirements, we DO MORE than your imagination.
With SSA, you choose your design, your fabric, your colours and we make all these become reality.
Some add-on services such as embroidery, screenprinting, digital printing are available to provide a benchmark for your unique design.
Find your industries below, and explore more on what we can do for you.

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